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Sherrielee Holistic Skin Spa is a place of healing for the mind, body and skin. At the core of your being, beyond mind, beyond body, lies your true nature. A sparkle of light, a sprinkling of energy, totally peaceful, at one with the world, playful, innocent, gentle, generous and loving. At your highest, you want the best for yourself, others and the planet. My aim at Sherrielee Holistic Skin Spa is to bring you into your highest, your sacred heart space where you are free to remember your connection to source energy, the divine flow, who you really are.

I offer holistic and alternative healing modalities to enhance the wellness of your “whole self.” My comprehensive healing practices include facials, body polish, massages, and sound therapy.

The holistic approach encompasses mind, body, & skin by nurturing the integrity of your inner self.




Welcome. It is my sincere pleasure to be of service.
