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How to Keep your hair healthy with Monat Hair Products.
Get ready for some Monat Summer!
Hi friends! I haven’t really talked about hair care and I thought the timing would be perfect. I don’t know about you but I have those dry, blah winter hair blues come mid winter. I’m a firm believer in using quality hair products and tools. They really do make such a difference. Here’s the thing. I color my hair (no shocker there) and not only do I spend a small fortune on it but coloring, straightening and curling hair stresses it out. I put my hair through a lot so I try to invest in finding good hair products to use on it and better hair tools. Keeping my hair healthy is always a top priority for me. So I started using some new hair products. I was recently introduced to Monat through my hair stylist and after looking into the company, ingredients and product line a little more I was definitely interested. I loved the fact that their ingredients are all naturally based. Monat does not use phthalates, sulfates, or parabens in their products.
They have several different systems depending on your hair type and needs. Need volume? Need hydration? Color treat your hair? They have a system for all of those specific needs. I personally started with the Renew shampoo and conditioner because I color treat my hair. Over the last year I have really tried to cut back on washing my hair. I can get to 3-4 days (depending if I’m going somewhere I’ll wash sooner) but by the 3rd day I usually have to use dry shampoo. So by the time I wash I just feel like my hair and scalp need a good wash. I love the Renew shampoo because it really strips my hair of product residue and leaves it so silky and clean.
As for a masque–if you aren’t using a masque at least once a week then start! I look at a hair masque as a weekly rehab for my hair. All the heat I put on it just takes a toll. A masque helps restore and repair and it’s honestly so important for keeping your hair healthy. I love the Replenish masque. I put mine on after washing my hair, leave it on for about 10 minutes and then rinse. My hair is noticeably smoother and shinier.
While I haven’t tried all their products yet I love the Monat leave in creme and also the styling products such a hairsprays, styling creams and blow out creams to name a few.
I do feel the need to mention this. While Monat is a social marketing company they do not have a mandatory membership fee (very important to me) and their products are priced around what I pay now if not less than what I was using prior (also very important). Do note that they have an optional VIP membership that gives you 15% and free shipping. However, I feel the retail prices were very affordable. So to recap? Quality products, affordable and a variety of hair products for all hair needs. Monat definitely fits the bill for me!
To find out which products will get you the best results and are best for your hair please reach out and I will help.